插头插座BS1363-2:2023将于6月30日起强制执行。BS 1363-2:2023新版英国插头插座标准将在2025年6月30日开始强制执行。主要变化为:
2.黄铜制成的载流部件要求铜含量至少为 58%;(current carrying parts made of brass are required to have a minimum content of 58% copper)
3.新增单独保护的插座(IPS)的定义,以及IPS的测试和要求;(a new definition has been included for individually protected socket-outlet (IPS) and includes tests and requirements for IPS)
4.增加了对双极开关的开关驱动力测试的新要求;(new requirements have been added for switch actuating force test for double-pole switches)
5.修改了嵌入式安装插座的安装盒间隙要求;(mounting box clearance requirements for flush mounted socket-outlets have been modified)
6.修改了对包含电子元件的附录要求,特别是:增加了USB 电路非正常情况。(Annex requirements for incorporated electronic components have been modified, specifically, USB circuits intended for charging portable devices with the addition of the abnormal condition)
1.新增要求:当固定式插座具有多于一个用于连接插座的接地插套的接地端子时,这些端子应可靠地连接在一起;此条款影响最大的是两位固定式插座;(Where fixed socket-outlets have more than one earth terminal for connecting to the earth socket contact(s), these terminals shall be reliably connected together.)
2.新增要求:控制插座插套的开关不能用于控制除指示灯以外的电子元器件;此条款最大的是带USB、SPD等电子元器件的插座;(The socket-outlet switch shall not be used to switch incorporated electronic components other than an indicator lamp.)
3.USB电路需要符合过电压类别III要求。(The USB circuit shall be designed and constructed to conform to the requirements of Overvoltage Category III.)